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Epyk is a full stack and Open Source Web library.
Open Source framework / No cost

Epyk is a full stack and Open Source Web library.
Using Epyk is quite easy to use and it allows to write JavaScript, HTML and CSS without any knowledge in those domains. It is really a toolbox to help Python developers to learn the web, share their ideas and get them exposed quickly to clients.
The library will provide a rich range of components ready to use to design your web pages. Look and feel of the pages and each component can be changed. Nearly 100 external packages are currently available to give you a full control of the final results you can share with your friends or colleagues.
Epyk can also be used to display results and explore data. Any script dedicated to call an API or to analyse data can be interfaced with Epyk. This could then allow to share your findings, advertise your results and create your community!
Epyk can also be used to display results and explore data. Any script dedicated to call an API or to analyse data can be interfaced with Epyk. This could then allow to share your findings, advertise your results and create your community!
Epyk is a full stack and Open Source Web library.
Using Epyk is quite easy to use and it allows to write JavaScript, HTML and CSS without any knowledge in those domains. It is really a toolbox to help Python developers to learn the web, share their ideas and get them exposed quickly to clients.